MailW@tch Version V1.06 January 1997. PROGRAM PURPOSE --------------- MailW@tch checks for new mail in multiple POP2 and POP3 mailboxes automatically. You need only your login and server name and password from your existing Email program to configure MailW@tch. REQUIREMENTS ------------ Windows 95 or Windows NT. Access to a POP2 or POP3 mailbox. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- Unzip the zip archive file into an empty directory and type - mailw32 You should see an About dialog, and click the OK button. Now a small gray screen appears showing the words - 'Add your first mailbox by Right Clicking anywhere and selecting New Mailbox...' follow the instructions. The dialog box requires your user name, your mail server name and your password. You can get all these from your existing Email program or your Internet Service Provider(ISP) or system administrator. To add more mailboxes right click in the gray area below existing mailboxes (resize the window if necessary). To change existing mailbox details right click on the existing mailbox. UNINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------- If you no longer wish to use MailW@tch after the evaluation period has expired, please mail us and tell us why. If there's any improvements that would make you reconsider let us know. We can be reached at If you visit our URL at you may even find that these improvements have already been made. To uninstall MailW@tch delete the entire contents of of the directory you installed it in, and remove the directory. GETTING HELP ------------ The help files supplied are in HTML format so you'll need a WWW browser (such as Netscape or Internet Explorer) to view them. There are 3 of them - mwhelp.htm - General help mwfaq.htm - Frequently asked questions mwreg.htm - How to get a license for MailW@tch The lastest versions of these files can always be found on the World Wide Web at the following URL If you have any concerns visit the above URL for details about how to contact us. REGISTRATION ------------ MailW@tch is shareware. It will stop working after 30 days. To register and obtain a license see to following details - This program can be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network. RegNet can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL: or by calling 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (805) 288-1827. and quoting the RegNet #: 505